Julie's Green Venetian

Yes, this dress was just for practice, but I thought it deserved a little space of its own.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Wasted Time!

I started a new job 2 weeks ago. I have a 1-1.5 hr commute most days, and my friend has been driving (carpooling) cuz her car has AC and mine doesn't. So, why, I ask, did I not think to bring my sewing in the car until 2 weeks into it?!!!

I remedied that oversight today. I spent the a.m. commute industriously attaching the pearls to my sleeves. The "greensleeves" have sat for MONTHS neglected. I figured they deserved their due--and I'd like them to be done just in case I have to wear the dress for the upcoming renfest.

I now have one sleeve completely finished, and have started on the next. I'll have a pic up when they're both dpme. I am hoping that will be by the end of this week.

Afterall, 3 hrs of pearling/day should finish it up pretty quickly, yes?


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